Cycle Patrol Instructor

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The course will give you the skills you need to deliver the Cycling Scotland 2-day Cycle Patrol Course to anyone who uses a bicycle to enhance their current patrol duties. You will learn: bike handling skills, how to carry out road side repairs, teaching techniques, how to risk assess training locations, how to fuel and rehydrate yourself and how to deliver the Cycle Patrol course.

Minimum Age


What skills do I need?

You should be an experienced cycle patroller, confident and competent when cycling and have experience of riding on and off roads.  

How long does it take?

This is a four day course. 

What will I need?

You will need a bicycle in working order, clothing appropriate for the weather and any equipment/accessories that you use as part of your patrol.  

What will it cost?

The course will cost £300 per person, or £1600 to organise a bespoke course for up to 5-8 people.

What's next?

Once you have completed the training you will be able to train others to become Cycle Patrollers. You may wish to continue developing as a leader by following one of the other recognised pathways promoted by Cycling Scotland or other organisations such as Scottish Cycling and Cycling UK.

Course Dates